Thursday, November 15, 2007

Been a long time gone...

Would you believe that I forgot about this blog? Something of an update: I haven’t been running that much recently, but, have started cyling again. That said, I’m looking forward to running again and will probably start again over the weekend. I began cycling after I realized that my poor motobecane has been sitting in my bedroom languishing for some time. So, I threw on my florescent yellow jersey and off I went. I am enjoying it although it’s making me REALLY tired. Maybe, just maybe, they’ll be a duathlon in my future this Spring.

Friday, June 29, 2007

On the Mend...

Foot's still a bit sore, but, G-d willing, I should be able to get a quick run in tomorrow... And then a long run on Sunday morning.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Is There a Doctor in the House?

Here we go. Today was the second day that I had to cancel my run this morning. My right foot is bothering me; I think that it might be plantar fascitis. I had a bout of it a few years ago and it took forever the heal. I'll go to the gym tomorrow and take it from there.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I'm a Real Speed Demon...

Ha! Ok, ready for this? Drum roll please... I ran 5K in 35:47:00. I huffed and I puffed, and I STILL couldn't manage a sub-30 minute 5K. I know, I'm being a bit hard on myself. Truth be told, it's one hell of an improvement from my one and only 5K race almost 6 years ago; my time then was 45 minutes, something or other. So, if I look at the glass half-full, I've cropped 10 minutes off of my time. And it was like 80-something degrees outside this morning.

Not so bad.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Felt Better Today

Just came back from a three mile recovery run; I ran 6 yesterday. Not exactly a marathon, I know, but it still counted as my long run for the week.

I'm gonna give water running a go tomorrow as an easy form of cross training. I want at least one day off a week, but hate being completely inactive on my rest days.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Think I'm Running out of Steam

My love for running seems to be tempermental; I made it out for a measly 4.5 miler this morning and all I did was mentally complain: Why am I out here? What's the point?

I'll give it another go tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I Decided That I Like Running

At least for now! Every time I run past the sea- which is everyday- I feel a pull to go back to swimming. As much as I would like to, though, I have too much work to do and getting up so early for practice makes me too tired- and cranky!- for the rest of the day.

I switched my running schedule a bit; I'm gonna try the intermediate half-marathon schedule over at It might be a good idea to work through the pre-schedule training part first to see how my body adapts to running 6 days a week.

Did an easy 3-miler this morning; hot as hell out. I've 5 miles planned for tomorrow (note to self: Hydrate!) before another easy 3 miles on Friday.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Haven't Posted in a Few Days

I've still been running, though. Did a nice 5.6 miler yesterday with my running partner, which is been great for me. I need someone there to push me a bit... Friday I ran by myself; rested Saturday.

Hopefully, I can start to lower my times and increase my distance.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Well, Finally Did It...

I managed to get out for a run with someone else today. I haven't run with another runner since I was like eight, when I was a member of our school's running club. It was very hard, actually, both mentally and physically. Running with someone else made it oddly more difficult- it seemed like the run took forever... Physically, well, I had to keep pace with someone else who was faster than me (but had to run slower than his usual pace).

Will I ever get faster?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Oy, It's Hot...

Yepper... Made it halfway down the road and decided to turn around and come home. Between the bugs and the damned heat, I wasn't going for it.

That said, I did make it to the gym for some light upper body, 20 minutes on the elliptical and 30 minutes on the bike.

I'll give it another go tomorrow.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Finally Got Out There

And was it hot! I started out a bit late- couldn't find my sunglasses- and by the time I hit my turnaround point, I was dying. I managed to get 6 miles in- finally- the longest run in a while. If I'm going to get into shape to do any racing, I need to get my act together.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

It Just Didn't Happen This Morning

I had planned a 6 miler today, but it just didn't happen. I woke up absolutely exhausted, and ended up going back to sleep. I will, however, do my best to do it tomorrow...

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Another Quick Run this AM

Went to the gym yesterday; wanted to do some upper body and do some time on the elliptical trainer. Went for an easy 4-miler today; the sunrise was absolutely gorgeous and really made me glad that I got out. I was only scheduled for 3 miles today, but I felt like staying out a bit longer. I should get out for a 6 miler tomorrow; we'll see.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Ramblin' along the road

I did another easy 4 miles this morning. I didn't time myself; just wanted to take it easy and try to enjoy the run. It's always a bit sad for me to run along the beach- it reminds me too much of my family, most of whom have passed away since my moving here 5 years ago.

The water was very calm and it made me wish that I was still swimming. But, alas, that will have to wait until my life stabilises a bit and I decide whether we want to stay here. I initially thought that it was going to rain this a.m., but it managed to hold off.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Summer's Here

Yep, it's summer in the south. I did an easy four mile- didn't time myself- but it was hot. The minute I walked out the door, I knew it was going to be a struggle. The humidity hit me like a blanket. There was no breeze on the way down to the beach; I was eaten alive by the gnats. I'm glad that I went, though.